The village of Banikopé, located about 88km from Lomé, now has a hangar with 3 classrooms.
On November 26, 2021, a delegation of NGO SOV traveled to Banikopé village to inaugurate a 3 classroom hangar. The visit was an opportunity for NGO members to donate school kits to 220 preschool and primary school students. The kit consists of notebook, pens, pencils, eraser, rulers and slates. SOV fully funded the classrooms and school kits.
Banikope Mawugbe Akakpo Village Chief Vivon Koudite III welcomed the delegation of SOV members before giving the floor to the Queen of Women, Yawa ABOTSI. After thanking the donors, she made 3 specific recommendations of additional ways SOV can help improve the villager’s lives. Her recommendations are the creation of colleges, finding ways of financing to increase their agricultural production and the electrification of the environment.
The facilitator of the NGO SOV Sitou Adzo Agbozo, in her words, thanked the people of Banikopé for the welcome. She took the opportunity to talk about the objectives of the NGO SOV before specifying that her presence in Banikopé was the result of a taxi encounter with one of them. Ms. Agbozo stated “I encourage you to find other NGOs to provide you with your needs”.